Tuesday, January 31, 2006

My Neighborhood Is Failing Me!

After almost 2 years of living in Jackson Heights, I am finally starting to grow disillusioned with it. When I moved in, I thought it was a welcoming, up and coming neighborhood in a central location, with lots of great restaurants. The reality of the situation is that I've NEVER encountered as many rude people in my life. Going to the Duane Reade for one thing takes about 20 minutes when it should take 5. Neighbors NEVER hold the elevator open for you. The restaurants get really boring and the closest thing we have to a cafe is Dunkin Donuts. And the kicker: my building has bedbugs. And I've been bitten. Thank goodness the landlord takes care of the exterminator. I'm in the process of cleaning out all of my closets and prepping everything. I am counting down to June when my lease expires and I kiss this neighborhood goodbye.


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