Monday, May 01, 2006

Do You See The Connection?

KFC Bucket
Originally uploaded by agilitynut.
Yum Brands, owner of fine dining establishments such as KFC and Taco Bell are now the "official sponsor" of the Kentucky Derby. The closest thing to mint juleps that they have could possibly be Mountain Dew.

In what appears to be a move to sell more genetically modified "food," Yum is actually trying to sell more shares. Attracting investors is the goal of the KFC connection.

The main issue though is most people don't know who Yum is. The general television watching public is not going to know that it's the parent company of KFC & Taco Bell, and they aren't going to care. This concerned is echoed by branding experts saying that it's just another sellout. Let's see how this one goes - apparently Yum has a 5 year deal with the Derby.


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