Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Mixologists the Next Celebrities?

Vodka Party
Originally uploaded by Tracy27.
With the Food Network bringing celebrity chefs to the next level, entertaining and cocktail connoisseurs are now prepping for their turn in the spotlight. Smirnoff Vodka has just hired their very first Cocktail Consultant who will spend one year exploring trends and culture of all things cocktail.

This Saturday marks the 200th anniversary of the cocktail, and it's a big deal. Cocktails have defined how we entertain and have given us a glimpse into our pop culture. Cocktails can be seen as a sign of sophistication or retro chic. There are an infinite number of varieties from the classy Martini to the sassy Sex on the Beach. Bartender schools can be just as competitive as the top culinary schools. Speaking of competition, there are tons of professionals who compete their cocktail prowess on a national and international level.

The social acceptance of women consuming liquor can also be traced back to the invention of the cocktail. Bars were more hard liquor or beer establishments, and were "no place for a woman." In the 60s & 70s cocktails got a little promiscuous, adding Between the Sheets & Sex on the Beach to the cocktail vernacular. The most famous cocktail is the Cosmopolitan, which resurged in popularity in the late 90s when Sex and the City was at it's height. Yes, it's true, the signature cocktail of any given moment is the signature of the times.


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