Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Let Them Have Cake

Office Birthday Party
Originally uploaded by NWC021792.
Imagine if you will a world without office birthday parties that included the all-important cake. People look forward to the cake. In fact, that's usually the only thing cubicle workers look forward to break free from the monotony of the computer screen. Okay, well no one really looks forward to the singing. Now with companies becoming obo-phobic, some places are banning certain foods from the premises - including that 4 o'clock chocolate rush. Making a healthy celebration is sure to drive the party to the local bar afterwards - I mean who blows out a birthday candle on a rice cake?

For the most part, bringing healthier foods to the office is a good thing - BUT employers should not force employees to only eat approved foods on their premises. Some places are really smart about it - revamping vending machines and charging more money in cafeterias for a burger and fries or a bag of peanuts than a grilled salmon entree or a pack of Ring Dings. Prohibiting foods that employees bring into offices is awful - these are adults and they can bring what they want- but changing the face of what's offered in the break room is another story. Maybe instead of individual birthday cakes for each employee, a good compromise would be to just have one cake for the month's b-days. Come on, it's only once a month!


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