Thursday, July 06, 2006

Microsoft Crashing the Party

Short Stack 2.0
Originally uploaded by *nathan.
When I think of Microsoft, the first thing that comes to mind is how much of a pain in the ass working on a PC is. The minute I switched over to using a Mac, I could not believe that all I needed to do to use any peripherals was just plug it in. With a PC, you need installation cds, run the application, install it...and so on. When Apple launched the iPod, a new generation of Mac users was born - more and more people made the switch over and the House of Jobs became a sacred temple. The iRevolution has changed the face of how we buy and listen to music - and some can say that Apple has saved the music industry.

Now, we all knew that Microsoft wouldn't just be standing in the sidelines and looking like a punching bag. Actually, they've been quietly developing their iPod killer for a while. The difference is that the Microsoft player will have Wifi so users can download audio and video content wirelessly. All in time for the Christmas shopping season. Honestly, I think that Microsoft is crashing the party a bit late, but since Apple does control 80% of the market, competition is a good thing.

Oh, and by the way - don't you think that Steve Jobs already thought of this? I think he has. All we can do is wait and see.


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